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Working in Finland and invoicing through UKKO.fi

What do I need to invoice through the UKKO Light Entrepreneurship service?

You can invoice for your work when you have the following things in order.

Finnish citizens

  • If you are a Finnish citizen and have a Finnish bank’s bank identifiers you can make a strong identification electronically and declare your Finnish citizenship on the service.
  • If you are a Finnish citizen but do not have bank identifiers, we need a photo identification. For photo identification, we need a photo of you holding a valid ID next to your face. Finnish passports or identity cards are accepted as identity cards.

EU / EEA nationals

  • If you are an EU / EEA citizen and have a Finnish bank’s bank identifiers, you can make a strong identification electronically. In addition, select your citizenship in the service.
  • In order for us to identify you, we need a photo identification. For photo identification, we need a photo of you holding a valid ID next to your face. A valid EU / EEA / CH passport or identity card will be accepted as proof of identity.

Non-EU / EEA nationals

  • If you are not an EU / EEA citizen, but you have a Finnish bank’s bank identifiers, you can make a strong identification electronically. In addition, select your citizenship in the service.
  • You have a residence permit in Finland, which indicates the type and duration of the work permit. We need pictures from both sides of the residence permit. The residence permit must be issued before you can send invoices via UKKO.fi.
  • If your work permit has expired, we need proof that you have applied for an extension permit (the application must not be more than 1 month old).

Note! Driving licenses or aliens’ passports are not acceptable proofs of identity.


What kind of account number I need to add into the service?

The UKKO.fi service requires your account number for salary payment. The account number must be in IBAN format.

The IBAN account number is used for SEPA payments (Single Euro Payments Area) in Europe and EFTA. So you can have a Finnish or a SEPA account number in a SEPA country.

Add the account number to your UKKO account under Settings.


I am a citizen of Ukraine, can I work in Finland and invoice for assignments?

Read below for instructions on how you can work and invoice for them through UKKO.fi in Finland:

Applying for protection

If you have arrived in Finland from Ukraine, you can apply for temporary protection, asylum or both. Once you have submitted an application for temporary protection to the police or border authority, you have the right to work immediately. After applying, you will receive a certificate from the police or a border guard representative applying for temporary protection. The actual applications are processed by the Finnish Immigration Service.

Identity number and tax card

Before you start working, you need a Finnish personal identity number and a tax card. You may have already been granted a personal identification number once the decision on temporary protection has been taken. If you do not yet have a Finnish personal identity number, fill in the form for the registration information on a foreigner staying in Finland temporarily (6150e). The form is signed at the tax office.

Once you have completed the form, you can apply for a tax card. As a light entrepreneur, the money you’ll receive from your work is classified as a salary. So you need a payroll tax card. Fill out the application for a tax card (Form 5042) and print it out. Please note that when applying for a tax card, you must in principle present an employment contract or a contract of assignment to the tax authority proving that you have a job.

Visit to the tax office

Visit your nearest tax office and bring the above forms and other required documents. You can find contact information here. When you work as a light entrepreneur, you need e.g. a copy of the assignment agreement in which you have agreed on the work to be performed with the client and its terms. You should tell the tax officials that this is an assignment relationship and the fee will be invoiced through the UKKO Light Entrepreneurship service.

Registration and identification for the UKKO Light Entrepreneurship service

Register as a user of the UKKO Light Entrepreneurship service here. When registering, you should identify yourself and send us a certificate of your work permit.

If you already have a Finnish bank account, you can identify yourself with Finnish bank IDs. Otherwise, send us a picture of yourself and your passport. In case of problems, contact our customer service asiakaspalvelu@ukko.fi or call 09 6980 934 (Mon-Fri 9.00-16.00).

You will also need a valid work permit. In principle, the work permit will be checked on your residence card. If you have not yet received your card, you can provide us with a picture of your certificate of temporary protection. With the certificate, you can start invoicing.


Once you have taken care of the identification and other necessary things, you can send your customer an invoice for the work done. When the customer pays the invoice, we will pay you a salary. The easiest way to pay a salary is to a Finnish bank account.

However, we are figuring out how we can most easily get your salary paid before you have opened a Finnish bank account.

kansi guide for self-employment

Working in Finland – Things You Should Know

Wondering how to start self-employment in Finland? There are certain steps that you should be aware of – just like in any other country. This guide offers you the basic things you should know about working as self-employed in Finland: how to obtain a correct visa or a bank account and most importantly how to get customers and from where to get them!

Download the free guide and learn more about:

  • What is UKKO.fi and its services and how they work?
  • Finding work in Finland: social media and other methods
  • How to price your services and make contracts
  • What are these obligatory payments like VAT and withholding tax?